FAQ updated 01/04/2025 | Leftovers sale coming soon! | EU Orders cannot be fulfilled as of Dec 2024

Stretch Goals

Paperback Stretch Goals

🔏 UNLOCKED-ish!! PB Stretch Goal 1: Cover Title Foiling - Unlocked at 200 paperback preorders (100 of PB-Cis, 100 of PB-Trans)
The paperback cover title will be foiled--printed with colored metal foil.
↳ ✨UPDATE:✨ Due to increases in production costs for paperbacks, the money for foiling/cover effects will be used for sticker sheets. Apologies for the changeup! 😭 

Hardback Stretch Goals

🔓 UNLOCKED-ish!! HB Stretch Goal 1: Colored End Paper - Unlocked at 100 hardback preorders (50 of HB-Cis, 50 of HB-Trans)
Instead of being white, the end paper that attaches the interior pages to the hardcover will be colored, orange for Cis, pink for Trans.

↳ ✨UPDATE:✨ Due to decreases (?!) in production costs for hardbacks, these are now feasible (I'm paying for them)(because I want them) 😂 

🔒 HB Stretch Goal 2: Tail Ribbon - Unlocked at 150 hardback preorders (75 of HB-Cis, 75 of HB-Trans)
The hardback spine will be decorated with a multicolored woven ribbon, red & yellow for Cis, blue & white for Trans.

🔒 HB Stretch Goal 3: Bookmark Ribbon - Unlocked at 200 hardback preorders (100 of HB-Cis, 100 of HB-Trans)
A colored ribbon bookmark will be attached to the hardback spine, orange for Cis, Pink for Trans.